This weekend will get off to a flying start… Say “wow” to our majestic retro venue, cheer for the first cabaret and try to make up your mind about which of the two bands is king of the night (impossible)!
The Maison de la Poste in Tour & Taxis is our main venue this year. It combines post-industrial grit with historical magnificence – and of course, a wooden floor worthy of enthusiastic lindy hoppers!
Friday party will feature two awesome bands. First, Lester's Blues, and, second, the Roaring Cats
The Maison de la Poste is located in Tour & Taxis, just by the canal, at the following address: Rue Picard 5 – 1000 Brussels.
To make sure you do not miss anything from the party, here is the schedule!
20:00 – Start of the party
21:30 – Upside Down taster
22:00 – Lester's Blues
01:30 – Roaring Cats
06:00 – End of the party
What to do between a daytime and a late-night swing dancing party? Have an afternoon swing dancing party of course!
This former market hall now hosts a bar, exhibitions, and the monthly ‘Halles That Swing’ lindy parties. It’s right bang in the heart of Brussels, surrounded by bars and restaurants, perfect for hungry dancers.
The Halles Saint-Géry are located at the heart of Brussels at the following address: Place Saint-Géry 1 – 1000 Brussels.
To make sure you do not miss anything from the party, here is the schedule!
14:30 – Start of the party
18:00 – End of the party
Can this party match the one from the day before? Sure it can! Get wild to the tunes of two different exceptional bands, clap for the Brussels Moonball Championship, and party until the sun rises!
The Maison de la Poste in Tour & Taxis is our main venue this year. It combines post-industrial grit with historical magnificence – and of course, a wooden floor worthy of enthusiastic lindy hoppers!
Saturday party will feature two magnificent bands. First, the NATO Jazz Orchestra and second, our local starts of Reverent Juke.
The Maison de la Poste is located in Tour & Taxis, just by the canal, at the following address: Rue Picard 5 – 1000 Brussels.
To make sure you do not miss anything from the party, here is the schedule!
20:00 – Start of the party
21:30 – Brussels Moonball Championship prelims
22:00 – NATO Jazz Orchestra
23:15 – Brussels Moonball Championship finale
01:30 – Reverent Juke
06:00 – End of the party
It’s tea party time! And course there’s cake, live music and the first timer Mix & Match.
The Maison de la Poste in Tour & Taxis is our main venue this year. It combines post-industrial grit with historical magnificence – and of course, a wooden floor worthy of enthusiastic lindy hoppers!
Marie-Anne Standaert will bring the premiere of a new version of her band The Hop sh'Bam Connection. Be ready to experience the groove and energy to levels never reached before.
The Maison de la Poste is located in Tour & Taxis, just by the canal, at the following address: Rue Picard 5 – 1000 Brussels.
To make sure you do not miss anything from the party, here is the schedule!
15:00 – Start of the party
15:30 – Carte blanche to Marie-Anne Standaert
19:00 – End of the party
Ain’t no party like a BRUX after party, 'cause a BRUX never stops! Stay for the live music, the cocktails, the atmosphere and the company. And, you'd better take your monday off!
An authentic, 1930's art deco ballroom extensively restored to the highest standard, the Albert Hall offers a huge wooden dance floor in an incredible atmosphere.
First, The Hi Stakes will make you dance with their original tunes, with lyrics full of irony and passion. Then, we will close The BRUX on a high, with The Juke Records Great Meeting, a suprise line up with some familiar faces led by Sam Ghezzi and Julien Gillain.
The Albert Hall is located at the following address: Chaussée de Wavre 651, 1040 Brussels
To make sure you do not miss anything from the party, here is the schedule!
21:00 – Start of the party
22:00 – The Hi-Stakes
01:00 – The Juke Records Great Meeting
05:00 – End of the party